Now with beta testing doing good and near release i want to this small post. This is not a full fangame at the end of day i really love what i did to the og demo but with no matter the new improvement all out extras etc. Its still the original demo.But why bothering doing this small project you might ask ? Well the answer is simple i just wanted to do a small size project to get used working on game and finnaly giving the og demo the treatment it deserved. For a actual complete remake with ton of content night while being more polished play dx when it release ( game page soon )
Next up
time go by fast
first mention of FIve Nights at Smoke's and also when development started
this will be five nights at smoke graphics in 2016
Learned how to do audio visualizer directly in clickteam so here a little something of 2.0 : )
The game has been recently updated to godot V4.4 here a small wip screenshot for now. Progress going mostly smooth so far!
three post in a day ik but @RealMarioKing found an another lost teaser edit : more stuff found
Small though I had that I posted on Bluesky. Genuinely can not recommend enough that people try out new engine its a lot of fun to learn something new when you put time into it.
2 years!! (very late loo)
(repost because my stupid asss forgot too post too page....