Yet again, A wonderful job by our modeler TristanPook.
I hope this design is equally welcoming and terrifying when we get stuff done!.
Yet again, A wonderful job by our modeler TristanPook.
I hope this design is equally welcoming and terrifying when we get stuff done!.
Shark pog
It's been a LONG WHILE.
so long story short, I've considered quitting.
BUT, I don't want to. I want my work to be seen, at I think it would suck to wast the time I put into making this thing.
so this is my call for help.
I had a lovely Birthday. I don't expect a lot of wishes, but I hope people enjoy their day.
So yeah, here's a small spoiler, I want to add and extras menu, and a custom night for people to play around with.
Hello! I've been very busy for the last couple weeks with work and modeling stuff! I'm looking forward to showing you some actual game footage and some cutscenes I've made!
Okay, bye bye!
If water slides easily off a duck's back, then I think a little bit of attention would help our friends back at {REDACTED}
Check out their game page:
you may also follow for any updates.
Please check out @TibiGames . I think his unique idea for his game is eye catching.
You're missing out on all the fun! Come to Mackie's Munchies and grab your handfull!!!