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"When asked about his son, Elliot Black, Richard Black says that Elliot died shortly after the death of Richard's wife. Despite this, close friends of Richard have said that there's been sounds coming from a locked room in his home. Nobody is sure why."

Netflix: "Are you still watching?"

The television remote:

Dorian Pavus is a powerful mage who appears in Dragon Age: Inquisition. The character was initially conceived as a "rock star mage" and in 2014, GLAAD named Dorian as one of "2014's Most Intriguing LGBT Characters."

New pfp

"I'm not like other tank engines. I'm a diesel engine, with feelings and hobbies."

almighty wigglesnap praise be to it

Be Yourself and Have Fun <3 Im late with the pride artwork bc i found a new job, im sowwy :<

Streaming soon ig

Teaser for the people that are interested

Made by dust