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Guys... I have made this x'D First time, first death, first Neko-Neko knee caps x'D Hope you guys like it T wT

My puppet show characters!!!!

Guys!!!!! I did one of my OCs!!!! like ya asked U^U, her name is Sarah, and she is a relly nice gurl uwu

Shoyo Glitchtrap

:0000000000 sus boi coming out, warning, poggers near by....very nearr

Me ready to protecc all da communities and bark at the mean people.

ayo look wut i made in class on le chrome book

It is meh and @Lil-1 (Im shorty and she is lil)

NOO I HATE RAIN (jk, i just wanted to touch some grass dou T vT)

oof we are fuc**d

Done, I have finished Pico, which I already did BF, so hope you guys like it! T wT