Hello, people! Ever since the last devlog, Team Origin's LIMELIGHT division has grown exponentially, and at a surprising rate too!
LIMELIGHT is currently 48% complete, with surprises waiting for you both in and out of the battle. Content will gladly be shown for the sake of keeping this devlog filled!
That's right, something that my previous games never had. Not until now.

I hear what you're probably asking in your mind right now...
"Why does Springy have only one glove, and why is it orangish? Why isn't he smiling???"
Well, this comes from a redesign made by Bluie, one of our new team members!!

Escaping The Floor, turning Steve Cobs into a toy, and taking over Meeple (cough, Springtastic 2.0 HQ) in the process was one heck of a task for Springy, but now he's on top again... At the cost of his joy and enthusiasm for the iconic Springtastic cereal.
The normal Bot battle has 15/19 planned attacks done, and all the dialogue has been written!

Another poll... God damnit.
As you may have known by scrolling down my Twitter, you can see me increasingly growing less and less sane when the topic is specifically about the Bot plush, and for a good reason.
Usually, when it comes to Inanimate Insanity plushies, they come out a month after their first preview. For Bot... I don't know what they're doing, probably chilling in a warehouse, but I feel as if I waited too long.
If III 15 releases on September 30th, and the Bot plush STILL, after TWO MONTHS, ISN'T RELEASED...
...The most voted mode will be added as retaliation. Yes, Asthma Mode has returned for a second poll. Vote away!!! :D
End of devlog no.3!!!
Thanks for reading this far! I hope you enjoy LIMELIGHT when it releases! (Prediction: Early 2024, or at the earliest, Late 2023.)