It turns out making games with a very high end CPU makes thing harder when people playing your game have low to mid range CPU. The games was performing badly on average PCs, but the issue should be fixed now.
In Game maker, to compile with the windows compiler, you have to install the windows SDK. Well, simple isn’t it? It wasn’t.
But I finally managed to install the Windows SDK, which for some reasons was incapable to install itself. The online version wasn’t working, the .iso wasn’t working either. Tried a few tips found online, nope. Still failing. The problem? The installer wasn’t checking if visual studio was already installed on the system, but couldn’t install if it was. And of course, it never mentioned that was the problem. Brilliant engineering, Microsoft. slow clap
The game is now exported with the Yoyo Compiler, on my machine real fps went from 174 frame per second (average through the final stage) to 364, more than 100% faster.
I also fixed a few issues with the controls: some country uses AZERTY keyboard, so I made possible to switch in-game from QWERTY to AZERTY, but it was reseting at each level change. It is now fixed.
Finisher moves were weird, punches weren’t working as intended and provided no combo increase, it is also fixed: every attack grants combo points when used as a finisher.
That’s all for today, hope it makes the game playable for everybody!