Hey, Peyton here again. Let's jump right into this.
First of all, since the reception on this game has been insane (better than FNaTI's for sure), we thought we'd give you guys some extra content and address some of your complaints!
"Unused/BTS" and "Making CEC." sections have been added to the extras menu!
Hallucinations have been added.
All of the phone calls have been made louder.
There is now an indicator for when you have successfully logged in.
The list has been updated from "Everyone that has 100% completed the game" to "Everyone that has beaten True Nightmare". Since we now know 100% completion of the game is impossible, and that True Nightmare might barely be beatable, we've made this change.
Munch Jr. used to have a quirk where you had to wait for him to leave completely before you could use the cameras again. This quirk has been removed.
Crusty can no longer have voicelines play after you've died to him.
Chuck E. Cheese now has a fifth voiceline that can play!
That should be all for now. Who knows, this might be the last patch we do for a while since bug reports have been surprisingly low.
Anyways, thanks for reading and thanks for playing!
- Peytonphile & Radiance Team