Shadow here, im going to try to keep this update slightly brief due to the lack of progress to share. I appologize on the behalf of both waddle and myself for not having the time to work like we hopped we would. I have personally been unmotivated to work on any project, this or my other projects, due to having to figure out collage stuff. waddle has also been swamped with work from his collage so he hasnt had as much time to do spritework and stuff. That all being said: we have created a github so we can share our work easier with each other as well as having purchased unity pro for both me and him, not just for this project but others as well.
All in all, the project is still progressing, we figured out more on the save system and AI as started to be implimented along with text boxes. I am sorry that i cant come on here with better news.
There is always more to learn, and there is always room from improvement.