Hello beautiful people,
I haven’t made an announcement for quite a lot of time, so here is one before the game will move on to a Beta Testing stage.
First of all the game is out on Desura for an alpha-funding. Yay-ya!
So, if you played the game before and don’t mind supporting it or if you would like play it and receive any upcoming updates, please visit Desura market and look for: “Road so Far”.
Or you can just follow this link: http://www.desura.com/games/road-so-far
The game itself will soon be updated to a Beta, which will feature:
Up to 35 levels.
New enemies and obstacles. (pic.twitter.com/F4ev7PR4zH)
New game-play features such as gravitation and wind changes.
New feature, I like to call: “Saving/purging”. All around the level you will be able to find poor souls such as this one: (pic.twitter.com/6TBpNK7TlL). They will be tied up to the main protagonists story and you will be able to decide to save their souls by forgiving them or leave them there.
More story! The story of the main guy and his life is the most valuable part of the game, so I’m trying my best to make it as best as I can.
All in all, the game is about 80% ready, so keep an eye for update, follow, share and support the project. It means a life for me.
Thank you very much,
Vitaly Margevich.