2 years ago

Mario ‘85ers reached me up to twelve likes! WOWZA!



Next up

Who wants to eat this!

New profile for me because Sunky is cool

Hello it’s me Sunky the top hat you may know me so I am a parody of @SunkyTheUser so never minds so follow him pls

Do you think that Mario ‘85 would have a underground level?

Welcome. to. the. PEEP TAL- I mean, SMG4 community!

Hello and welcome to the SMG4 community if you’re new here We will help you gain the knowledge of memes! If you joined GJ 1 day ago, you might be thinking it’s something fun!

Enjoy your day!

Have you thinked of any ideas for Mario ‘85 yet?

mario party be like

I heard your comments from the Mario ‘85 Community, so I don’t need to ask anymore.

POV: you’re bowser (had to repost because had to bring to SMG4 community)