Mario Remasterizado y luego mostrare a luigi, GomiLuigi, Daisy y toad Azul Remasterizado
Mario Remastered and then I'll show Luigi, GomiLuigi, Daisy and toad Blue Remastered
Next up
I'm sick and I haven't done anything, but here is a preview of new Mario and Luigi for the final version. If the final because I will not give them to the first beta xd me enferme y solo he programado, pero ahi tienen una vista previa de Mario y Luigi
I made this pixel art for my Bowser's Fury fangame in 2D here is the discord server https://discord.gg/GpEbcC3U este pixel art de la cara de luigi lo hice para mi Fangame de Bowser's fury como icono de vidas aqui el server https://discord.gg/GpEbcC3U
Good morning, good afternoon or good night. After almost 2 weeks here a New Novelty. Mario and Luigi Remake Sprites 34% GomiLuigi Mechanics Ready 100% I'll Give You Review Next Week Tuesday. Bowser Sprites Fury 29% Toad Sprites = Still Processing
Luigi's Sprites 28% Mario Sprites 23% Enemy Sprites 19% Bowser's Fury Sprites 13% Power Ups 4%
Mario and Luigi Gato Designs Already Finished Luigi Cat 19% Mario Cat 23% Blue Toad (Unfinished Cat) Toadette (Unfinished) Daisy (In Process) GomiLuigi (In Process) Yoshi (Canceled)
¡¡Oh vaya!! es Bowser Fury ¡¡Bowser Fury ha venido a destruir todas las isla!! Bowser Fury ya en Proceso Oh, wow !! It's Bowser Fury Bowser Fury has come to destroy all the island !!!! Bowser Fury already in process here the server https://discord.gg/pz7EdXxbrY
This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Donkey Kong. Accept the quest in your quest log to get started!
here another project in mind of Spider-Man Still in Process
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