Five nights at Sonic's 5 the end game Trilogy

3 years ago

MASSIVE credit to @Valkop_Dev , he's remastered the menu UI and currently working on making a 3D newspaper for 60 years later.


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is that like... a tv man reference...

On this day 2 years ago, Five Nights at Sonic's T.E.G 60 Years Later was supposed to release!

Yeah that's really all I have to say lol

New thumbnail

(first image is new, second image is old)


Sorry for being silent on progress for some time, here is a W.I.P of the office. I also overhauled the description, once I make the header the game page will look complete!

welp, promises are promises... =)

hi chat


been a while since I've actually touched something apart of this collection, huh?

The header has now been added!