@pizzabomber144 (overall great person) was mentioned due to yk
@/Tom_Glitcherman (i dont care if hes underaged. hes still one of my fav people)
@/MatveiYT1 (cool man)
Engie(he does NOT have gamejolt sadly)
@/Roncoolguy86 (a pretty cool guy with very good art)
@/DroneProductions (a person who npc hunts with me sometimes. a pretty cool friend just like the rest tho)
@/wormbonk ( a cool person that bonks worms for some reason[the rest after i said person was a joke] )
@/killexplodeonroblox i like playing with this guy. Hes pretty cool
@mrwhale look guys i had to he was a cool bot
@/sillycarl very silly man
@/gameboy95931_gamer (NOT that much of my fav but still my fav i guess)
@/LunkyTheHuman ( i havent forgotten the incident but its ok, not relating to that incident)
@/mentallyinsanegray a new friend of mine, i Think this persons cool
@/c-buni couldnt find their main]:
@/voyder (a cool person i must say)
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