4 years ago

May the 4th be with you :)

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Next up

All nights, Custom Nights (you can't see golden homer or lisa's saxophone but they're there), and MAX POWER Time mode completed.

Wait, WTH?!

(No, I’m not surprised by what @TapClock said. I’m surprised by the fact there are 2 same posts of it.)

All nights, 7/20 mode, and Creator Night complete

this was a really nice and enjoyable game and not many fnaf games take place in a cafe (it's interesting and i like that idea). now i just have to wait until SC 2 releases. :waiting:

ooooo teaser

Completed night 7 and on to the custom night.

One day left.

All FTaH games... 100% Completed!

I finally beat night 6! i'm really happy rn, all i have to do now is to complete the cn challenges, exploiters mode, and exploiters mode cn.

Release 2.0 /// Sorry this took long.

Merry Christmas !! :3 Attack me if there is any issues and I'll get to fixing. I am doing this late at night and on a CHRISTMAS NIGHT. I'm tired.

here is an easter egg that you might know

easter egg: old hans consequences in extras

how to get it: click in the middle area between the icons of Dark Homero and Kwyjibo in the extras and you'll get it