(Note that the progress bars are estimates of the total route length, and subject to change.)
I spent a lot of this month concentrating on writing. In this case, rewriting the two most unstable routes, which were Beckett and Leaf.
Beckett’s Route will be first!
Beckett’s Route is currently in the most solid position, so we’re doing a little change and developing his route first instead of Leaf’s. (Sorry Leaf, my boy, 50% of your route needs rewriting.)

Here’s a little something to look forward to: Alison gets a new outfit in most of the routes. Beckett gon get starstruck, ya’ll.

Soundtracks Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 released!
Another awesome thing that happened this month was releasing our soundtracks on music stores! A big thanks to Elphaze for drawing such beautiful cover art!

Part 1 contains 33 tracks from the game, composed by me.

Part 2 contains 2 tracks from the game, composed by insaneintherain. You wonder where those snazzy jazz themes come from? This brilliant man.
If you’re able, we’d really appreciate a review on the store pages for the soundtracks!
That’s all for this month—hoping to have more news on Beckett’s route next month! As always, thank you for your wonderful support.
— Luna Chai
P.S. zodiacaxis.com now redirects to our game page, in case you wanted an easy URL to remember.