Hello :)
It has been a while since a good ol’ Devlog was posted, so here we are. In this update, I’ll go more in-depth over a few things that appeared in the Snowdin trailer. But first, progress report!
We have been chugging along at a good pace. We’re at the end of Snowdin so once school lets out for all of us studious devs, we can work work work! Once we reach the next area, updates will most likely get scarcer, since it starts delving into Big Spoilers™. But we’ll deal with that when the time comes. For now, let’s talk about that trailer, shall we?
Possibly the biggest feature revealed in the trailer was the mail feature! This is a replacement for the cell phone that Undertale had, which might seem sad at first, but now the monsters you meet wont only talk to you through letters, but they can send you items too! You’ll be able to receive your mail at a designated UGPS station, scattered around the Underground. A lovely character by the name of Mail Whale will swoop down and deliver the goods whenever the bell is rung.

(Art by NeroDawg)
Another character shown was a certain money-hungry salesman named Mo. This slick fella is the most persuasive monster you’ll ever meet. With his smooth but straightforward attitude, you’ll practically be throwing your gold at him. Look forward to seeing him around the Underground!

(Art by Fireburn)
That’s only a small fraction of all the colorful things you’ll find in Undertale Yellow, but I’m afraid we can’t show too much. Thanks for sticking with us as always! See ya next update!