4 years ago

maybe back at work

I problably suffered data loss 2 months ago and started reworking from the prototype last week,so i problably will need to do all of this shit all over again,development hell that is,eventually there will be a title screen without the static,and scp force 3D can wait,the yume rpg builder engine has not been released yet,maybe the engine will be released this year while im trying to work on this one

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Next up

Soon - BBD

Samira 3D Model - SCP Force

Testing WorldMap - BBD

hyper realistic Tails Doll - Birth By Death

3D Model

Some info about the Yume RPG Builder two engines

Bifurcadon - SCP Force

3D Model

Waiting for Yume RPG Builder be like

Character Teaser + Teaser of the new section after the eight pages

Seriously Again? another pretext ?
