Lantern of Worlds - The Story of Layla

4 years ago

Mayor Update! Increased resolution, better interface, new location & voice acting!



Next up

Eastwind Update Log!

Work is progressing slow but steady, and hopefully there will be a new demo next week!

Busy with launching our new game 'Lantern of Worlds : Layla's Quest' on Steam!

If only I wasn't so bad at marketing :)

I really like the making of games, but the promoting of them, not so much. But it is very important, and I should learn!

Busy with the Arabian Nights part of my game Lantern of Worlds - Storybook. Much do to still, but it is getting somewhere!

Another week another update! No new demo yet, alas, because I am working on a new combat system. More info in the video!

Visit the village of Maerin on Eastwind island! The most beautiful village of all the isles.

Work on the game progresses nicely and I hope to have a new demo ready shortly.

New video update. Game progressing okay, but somewhat slower. New demo should be available soon!

A new update for Lantern of Worlds - The Story of Layla is live!

The 1.7 update contains:

- Choose your own skills!

- An Autosave function!

- Several minor fixes and improvements.

- Added lighting improvements.

- Updated skill screen.

Demo 0.5 of Lantern of Worlds - Eastwind has been released!

It has overhauled backgrounds, a revamped combat system, and more!

It took a while, but it was worth it, I think. Hope you enjoy it!

Lantern of Worlds - The Story of Layla has been released! And the best part of it is, it is totally free! A gift, from me to you. :)

Indie festival time! We will be participating with 2 new games in the upcoming Steam Next festival!