The Return Of Tubbyland

1 year ago

Me when I am a Rega Turtle



Next up

I was looking up old emails and LOOK WHAT I FOUND

Long time no see, old friend.

Mi amigo del colegio anterior cuando nos reencontremos:

Adrien, qué tal va ese juego de los teletubbies que usted hacía cuando estabamos en primaria?


@Fillie_2005 said the tubbytronics here looks perfect in Baldi Basics do you think he's right or the gooning at Miss Circle just killed him off

snake feet

Can't believe Regalito gave TRoTL a try

(not virtual machine!)


Tyler in the "A Story" video recognizing that the original TRTF games aren't that great based on the current standard of fangames:

kudos to my newest oc based on mark inservible