Medieval Business
4 years ago

Medieval Business: The Novel

Chapter 1: Oh No! Not The Carpet!

“I can hardly believe that Silva actually got sold off! How did they become so poor anyways?” questioned one woman

“Rumours have it that it was the Knights came in and ransacked his house!” exclaimed the other.

“No no no, you can’t really believe that can you? It’s clearly got to be-”

“None of your concern.” Said a voice.

The three women quickly turned around and saw a Knight, who was in perfectly clean, and shining, silver armour. A shoulder cape was draped over the right side of the knight with an insignia of a flaming phoenix. There was a sword kept in a hip sheath, ready to be drawn at a moments notice. Looking up at who the knight was, it was a woman, she was tall, about 5 feet, eleven inches tall.

The three women bowed at the Knight “We’re so sorry, Miss Lynsie Kalp, we didn’t mean to intrude on other’s business, we just couldn’t help but notice how strange it is.”

Lynsie looked at them, carefully analyzing them, and deciding on her next words. She came to a decision. “I know what the King has been doing recently seems strange, and therefore so many other strange things might be happening across the land, but you must be careful what you speak of, your lucky you had me overhear what you said, and not another knight, or they could have killed you on the spot.”

The three women looked up at her, and nodded. “Yes, we understand Miss Lynsie Kalp, we’ll be careful.”

Lynsie gave a half nod towards them and got on her horse named Sorbet. “Sorbet, let us ride to the castle, Ludurn Fort isn’t going to defend itself.” she told the horse before riding away towards the Castle.

“Ludurn Fort is such a big castle, I wonder if there’s any chance we can get together with any Knights who will gladly take us for a night? What do you reckon?” Said one of the three women, watching Lynsie ride away.

“I guarantee that we can get into bed with at least one of them. We’re too attractive to resist!” she said as all three women giggled happily.

. . .

“Well, well, well! There’s Lynsie the great warrior we all know!” boomed the voice of a friendly dwarf known as Brine.

“Oh my! Hello there again Brine, how are you my old friend?” replied Lynsie.

“I’m doin’ absolutely wonderful!” Brine boomed. Brine lowered his voice into a careful whisper. “Listen...I have a ‘lil somethin’ for ya over at my blacksmith shop! Come drop by whenever ya can, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” Brine said with a wink.

Lynsie looked at him and smiled

“You’re truly an amazing dwarf and an amazing friend Brine, I’ll definitely come check out what you have in store for me later on. I got to go to the Castle to report the last 3 days in the field.” she said with a bit of a waver of her smile.

“Well!” Brine started, clapping Lynsie on the back “Ya best go report and get over to the shop, I can’t have ya miss out on this beaut’ now can I?” he said with a laugh

Lynsie nodded and head up to the castle again. A few moments later she set Sorbet just outside the entrance to the hall, and walked inside. Lynsie walked to the centre of the hallway and kneeled before the king in the throne up ahead.

“Your majesty, I’ve come to report the last three days in the field.” Lynsie spoke.

The king rolled his head and fell off the throne, blood was dripping all down the throne and seeping into the expensive red carpet. Lynsie ran up to the king. “Your majesty! YOUR MAJESTY! WAKE UP!” She yelled.

The king weakly looked at Lynsie in the eyes and spoke. “I’ve told the guards that no matter what you cannot kill me, that if I pass, it is never you, you have to protect and lead this land yourself. You cannot be king, but you will lead it as a warrior, and you can appoint a new King as you choose. Lynsie, good luck...instructions...are on this letter...” The king lost all colour in his eyes and passed away, with his hand loosely grasping the letter intended for Lynsie. Lynsie looked up at realized what she had to do. She shut the king’s eyes, and said a prayer before walking away.

“Hey!” Lynsie told the guards at the gate. “I have a message from the king, before he passed.” and handed them the letter.

“The king? Dead?” One guard exclaimed.

“Yes! As I went to report, he gave me this letter before he passed.” Lynsie said, she was hoping the guards would do right.

The guards read the letter and looked up at Lynsie. “Well, we understand our task, I’m sure you understand yours. You’re now our leader! Warrior Captain Lynsie Kalp! The new leader of the land! The new ruler of Shtoppenheim! The new owner of Ludurn Fort! “The guards walked around and had the news spread all over Shtoppenheim. The entire land knew that Lynsie, that she was the new leader of them all.

“Well, I best go see what Brine has for me” as she saddled onto Sorbet. “Can’t leave him waiting too long now can I, Sorbet?” The horse blubbered in agreement. “Alright, let us go on then” Lynsie said as they rode off towards the town once more.



Next up

So I made a playlist and you won't believe how long it is (54 hours and 28 minutes)

pov me whenever I need to function:

Rare footage of Ren (Joker) contemplating the idea of putting Morgana into the washing machine


Old homepage (left) Vs. New home page (right), GJ App in both

solid song right here ngl, love the name of it too

so anyways

If anyone wants to see this silly epic spotify playlist I made here's the link:…