Entryway - Follow you around but tosses junk at you.
Cottontown - Staying still causes to spit Lighting at you (ref to Kirby, who is coneboy’s reference to when he used to be playable)
Sugarshack Mines - When staying still, he whacks you with an Pickaxe
Molasses Swamp - Carry’s key’s around, which cause’s a guardian to spawn.
Mt. Fudgetop - He’s acts like CC Coneboy except throws Ice at you /ref (check the scrapped content and scroll all the way down in the wiki.gg wiki)
Chocoa Cafe - Spills Coffee causing you to slip
I also have ideas for some extras !! :>
Dance Off - There would be a chance he taunts or when the ST is prepared, he super taunts, causing him to parry or hurt you, but don’t worry, Coneball and ??? Taunts too when this happens
Sting Operation - He chases you around with a needle like a fake peppino (from The Oldest Mansion Concepts).