Richia Beck
Richia is a abnormal being in terms of DNA testing, it says that her life expectancy is 6 times more than an average human, which means she can live up to 550 years. , when in reality it was a item she consumed, given by her husband.
In this AU, Richia has depression, However it is not severe.
Richia does not have an government ID, but Pixel assumes she's 24 because they both we're in the same grades when they met.
Pixel is her best friend, ever since elementary school they became very close friends, when Richia became depressed in life she had pixel counsel her overtime, however she doesn't take Pixels advice.
Pixel and Richia both likes retro video games.
Pixel allows Richia to call her "Rochelle"
Kapi and Richia try to be friends but fail most of the times, Richia will even visit the same arcade Kapi goes to, just to ask "How's Rochelle doing?"
When Pixel and Richia hangs out, kapi will always interfere, this is also because Pixel and Kapi are good friends.
Kapi and Richia can agree on one thing, Cheese is a loaf of milk.
Richia and Sari HATES each other, because of ONE opinion Richia made.
"Skateboarding is boring."
Sari has gone physical on Richia before, though Kapi and Pixel apprehended Sari before she could do brutal punches to her.
Richia and Niko are positive with each other, when Pixel babysits Niko and Richia calls Pixel, Richia will ask "Hey, can you tell niko I said hi?"
Richia and Niko went to an Ihop with each other once, alongside with the av family
Richia originally came from @DroxyTheTimeAdventuristFox
Like the canon ones, Richia and Droxy dates.
However, Richia and Pixel used to date.
Richia killed someone because of an scam.
Richia was originally going to be a full on emo but I didn't want to do that.
Richia has 3 seperate pistols, one of them being an M1911.
Richia is still scared of alot of things
Richia has 2 seperate clothes. One that's Navy and the other being the regular blue.