The expanded edition is out! If you haven’t played before, then this is the perfect time to play - Who I See is now bigger and better than before! You can beat it in under an hour, so why not? Its a delicious meal, and a second helping of it was just placed in front of you! If you’ve already played, you can find out new secrets and truths in this expansion, which contains its own tragic tale. Sylvia and Alice have a complicated relationship, and the effect that each has on the other…well. You’ll have to play to find out!
Thank you for playing, players new and old, and I can’t wait to give you more! People are loving Who I See, and it fills me with so much joy that its really hard to describe it. I’m glad to give you all a great experience.
The next expansion, focusing on Jonas’s room, Jonas, and other secrets, will be in the works soon.