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Editor for ships brings to life (someway)
Hull changing introduced Now hulls can be changed by buttons
Loading screen introduced
Ship modules now has energy cost and shows it As seen in image - ship part displays energy cost. It will be used in game rules
Menu of ship parts introduced Now you can move ship parts menu up/down and detach it to use in editor
Cannon shoots from both guns and ammo damage enemy Multi-gun cannons now supported and each gun spawn ammo than can damage enemy it strike.
Game modes can be changed: sandbox and manager Now you can change mode - sandbox where you can place as many as wishes to. And manager when energy resource is constrained.
Template ship shown for reference
Virtual buttons added After tinkering around decided to show on screen controls for ease of use (and shorten memory usage) of game by player
Added virtual buttons for depth up/down (already has it as keyboard) For better ui added virtual buttons for depth management Now mouse also can be used to manage depth