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ESP: Oye gente ¿me pueden decir algún programa de modelado 3d para pc pls?, quiero hacer un modelo de mi personaje pal garry's mod

ENG: Hey people, can you tell me any 3D modeling program for PC? I want to make a model of my character for Garry's mod

ESP: Que coño está pasando últimamente 🫠

ENG: What the hell is going on lately 🫠

ESP: Hoy toca dibujitos, iba a publicar una animación pero preferí un dibujo que hace tiempo que no subía uno.

ENG: Today is the day for drawings, I was going to publish an animation but I preferred a drawing since I haven't uploaded one for a while.


Just a drawing of converses with some kind of shooting star behind (Just drew that because A- Converses are cool and I wanted to learn to draw them and B- I wanted to do an illustration with very bright colors)

ESP: algo

ENG: Something

Random sketch (I plan on finishing it one day… maybe… or maybe it will stay on the WIP pile for month…)

ESP: Test para aprender a animar como las grandes aventuras de hank en sus combates locos

ENG: Test to learn how to animate like Madness combat

ESP: Conceptos de un personaje llamado postal si les gusta se queda

ENG: Concepts of a character called postal if you like it, it stays

Drunk Sophie - Comic

( remember don't do drugs and go to school )

#art #artwork #digitalart #oc #originalcharacter

ESP: Redibujo de un dibujo valga la rebundancia

ENG: Re-drawing of a drawing