Jono99 here. Well, it’s December 25th now. Merry Christmas everyone. At the moment, I’m working on adding a developer commentary feature to the game. As it is, I’m basically stalling for time while pokedyl designs the dungeons (he’s perpetually busy with other things). I am terrible at designing dungeons, so the responsibility falls on pokedyl as I implied before. Both of us wish all of you who follow the game (officially or not) a Merry Christmas. I may make and post some other games in the meantime to pass the time. I don’t need the game to become bloated with features. As my present to you, I give you a list of game versions that I have planned in order of priority from highest to least.
ANT VXA (the version up for download right now)
ANT MV (the multiplatform version)
ANT Mobile (the mobile version)
ANT DE (a deluxe edition that will only be pursued once literally everything else is done. The reason it’s at the bottom of the list is because it’ll be a commercial version of the game and we want to make the game as good as we can while still keeping it free first.)
I hope that’s worth it. See you in 2017.