3 years ago


i made a remake of my old drawing of boby in the Christmas spirit

1-remake and 2-old one

thanks to everyone and even to my friends who are here at game jolt

and I've been on this site since

November 18, 2018

but I used to visit this site just to play some fnaf fangame games (beautiful times) there

When I started with my hobby of making games and I remembered this site and I went there to create my account like the one you know (MarcusSilvaGamesBR same nickname from my youtube channel) then I started posting the games and until then I met beautiful friends and it seems that it made me the new person I was before

and look at just after these days it will be New Year WHAT A CRAZY THING, isn't it? It seems like 2020 was yesterday, it's already over and I can't believe it, we went by so fast

well i wish you a merry christmas join your family and wish them a merry christmas

and don't forget it's Jesus' birthday ;)

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Amazing art by @RAINBow163

The New English update from boby in miracle land yipeeeeee (If you find any errors in the words, let me know)


Thank you so much to people all over the world who played Boby In Miracle Land.

I'm really happy about that, it was a great achievement

me and my friends are proud that such a work finally came alive in the world of @gamejolt

oh boy smooching time

Version 1.5.3

-Fixed boby's position in world 5 level 1

-added a new secret

-added eggo my beloved (lie I didn't really add) read the article

Adding the difficulty select screen