Dear @Tarahsavietnams and @Sillydarah ,

I want to inform you that Mr. Freeman made a wonderful FNAF and FNAW fan game called Five Nights at Wario's Redone, I would recommend you draw characters of FNAW Redone if you're running out of ideas in drawing characters.
You can also check the Five Nights at Wario's Redone game page I published for its developer, him.
If you want to try the second demo game, it's not bad to play it.
Anyways, I hope you understand the message I wrote and hope you are well.

Sincerely, Cinema Hanwil.



Next up

Patch 1.1.4

Abby, Pauline, Paulette Minecraft skin

Happy New Year!

FNAH 2 OG But is In The Factory @CinemaHanwil


Merry Christmas!

600 subscribers reached on my main YouTube channel! Thank you for that!

The Render of the Toy Animatronic Cast from FNaH 2 Classic, it even includes Toy Masbas.

Models and Rigs made by @CinemaHanwil and Mr.Darl

Korean Independence Day - August 15th