P.S: I will say right away ladies and gentlemen. It was not me who created it, but the creator of the book was the author "Dmitry Glukhovsky". It was he who gave us a dream so that we could create a new fantasy for the future, you understand. I did it for you to read everything so it is necessary to pleasantly hear stories since 2005. But earlier they released three games a long time ago - "Metro 2033", "Metro: Last Light" and "Metro: Exodus". So enjoy reading the chapter of the page.
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
Publisher: AST
Release date: March 16, 2009
ISBN index: 978-5-17-114426-5
Main characters: Hunter, Homer, Sasha
Notable personalities: Leonid Moskvin, Artem Popov
Location: Moscow
Period: November 2034
Notable events: Formation of the VDNKh Commonwealth, Destruction of the Black Nest
Previous part: "Metro 2033"
Next part: "Metro 2035"
Awards: Eurocon: Best Debut (2007)
Nominations: Results of the Year (MF): Books - Best Domestic Science Fiction (2009)