Mi valoración de TNAV con Loquendo.
@Villca_Toons #loquendo #youtube #valoration #madness #madnesscombat #art #villca #tnav
Next up
The server is full in channels and other things... If you want to join the server go to the link here:
Buy alcohol meme @StickMichi
#meme #animated #spanish #xd #animationmeme #animation #madness #madnesscombat
Another Small Update
I have a lot of work to finish the animation of my collab
#workinprogres #work #screenshoot #collab #madness #madnesscombat #animation
After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!
Another advance for the animation of my collab
#collab #madnesscombat #madness #animated #animation #violence #art
HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2! A 2-Night demo is out now, nothing much