Oh my
My older brother ( R ) wants to read what I've gotten written down so far , which is like 5 pages ,,
I might cry , I didn't think anyone was interested , my mom only read it cuz I asked if she wanted to
But my older brother actually came over , asked how my story's going so far , and js asked if he could read it ,,
Ohg , and I let everyone name a nation or two of the story ๐ฅ๐ฅ
My little brother named one , Poca , it's gonna be the strongest nation ๐ผ
My older brother ( R ) named two , Gigi-Tu and Kcicsu
My older brother ( L ) named one , Clockhur ( pronounced like Clockhour )
My mom named five , Ferro , Impia , Gaele ( named after Gaelic ) , Feikn , Lygi
G-man named one , Coborits
My dad named two , Aetheria and Jotunfell
I named one , Croire
A named one , Sand-wo
J named one , Destolation
And Will named one , Komminyer
Not telling most peoples names for privacy reasons ๐ฅ๐ฅ