Hello everyone!

I have decided to release the Mind Plague devlog page that will feature upcoming updates regarding the development of my new game.
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Mind Plague Devlog
Soundtrack ♫:
The soundtrack for Mind Plague is now public for people to hear and includes 30 songs directly from the game. You should be able to find it on the new devlog page. I have improved the sound design quality significantly compared to my last game and is now based on the surreal design I’m going for and fits the style perfectly.
Game Screenshots:

Game Details:
Play as Mathew who began to have nightmares about his own survival in the world. This reminded him to learn about his mistakes and his personal past by taking a type of drug that assures him how to improve for the future by allowing himself to see everything from a new woke perspective and how the mind creates clues to show who he really is. It supports its purpose by the label that states, “Take these pills to help with your success in life, but don’t fall off the path or else your life will go down a dark turn.”
Mathew began to wonder about the major risks he would be taking just to know about his truth from taking these drugs. But as he looks at the package labels to see if there was anything else, he then noticed that it stated on the back that “If you don’t take them, you won’t get the message and meaning you need to hear.”
Mathew seemed to be delusional on the risks of addiction and how his life might become even worse because of that, but he chose to take the risk to attempt to fix his life. And after that very moment, everything changed, and he started to feel strange about himself as the environment around him feels like it was about to collapse into the darkness he felt. Then your adventure begins here and there will be many important choices to be made to avoid falling into the dark path.
The Development Progress So Far:
Mind Plague’s development has just been started recently last year and will probably take a long time to build. I’m looking at a year and a half with this one. The game is planning on having new mechanics for the purpose of being survival based. The saving feature is also looking towards improvement to support obtainable item management saving, and much more.
Art Style:
Mind Plague will have an art style created for a deeply surreal experience. It will be similar to the art style from A Dark Place but with major improvements in the design that will keep you immersed in the experience. I have listened to some feedback about the parts of the level design from my last game and that shall be improved significantly. I have also worked to improve the sound design and now the soundtrack has majorly improved in design quality and is now also based on the surreal design I’m going for.