Fixed some bugs on hide under the table mechanic
Fixed endless mode high score not resetting when you retry the endless mode
Fixed some bugs on hide under the table mechanic
Fixed endless mode high score not resetting when you retry the endless mode
Miss Delight as Abby R.
Five Nights at Hanwil's 2 is Out now!
Abby, Pauline, Paulette Minecraft skin
FNAH 3 OG @CinemaHanwil
Final Teaser
FNAH 2 OG But is In The Factory @CinemaHanwil
Second Teaser
Five Nights at Hanwil's 2 new animatronic posters
The Render of the Toy Animatronic Cast from FNaH 2 Classic, it even includes Toy Masbas.
Models and Rigs made by @CinemaHanwil and Mr.Darl
600 subscribers reached on my main YouTube channel! Thank you for that!