Hayami-Chan 3
3 years ago

Minor update v1.5.1

I've added so you can go back to days you've completed on the title screen, check the previous devlog for a full v1.5 report :)



Next up

I don't have a whole lot of new stuff to show off yet.

The home area will be the foundation for future areas in the game. I will be working on a cutscene "template" later.

Just got to iron out some bugs first, before working on new stuff.

Charged Stickers supports the Project


In the previous headpat game you had to choose an avatar that hugged the character, but now the characters will hug the screen (you the player directly)

I have also added 2 more songs on the Game Page for download


I'm "reformatting" a lot of code and the like for the project, when working on the Headpat Engine, I learned some tricks to make it easier for myself.

Doing it like this will help me work more efficient & help me release the game sooner

Not in the mood for hugs

I was thinking of maybe changing the Map Screen in the game.

working on the profiles again