0.2.8 has been released, and with it a load of new content!
New Attack bar and aim for easier use.
The TP bar has been simplified for ease of use.
The SOUL has been entirely remade to match the SOUL trait.
Enemy health bar positions have been adjusted so they don't block the sprite.
The SAVE menu has been entirely recolored, as well as some text has been replaced.
Many grammatical errors have been fixed.
The STAT menu properly displays the base stats now.
Russ now starts the game with no weapon, but the Sicktionary is in his bag. (This is for the people that like a bit more of a challenge.)
The Letter Opener has been removed and replaced with an item.
Certain enemy death animations have been changed to remove lag.
New healing items have been added.
The ParaFERN now gives the stats it says it does.
The Mini Boss now has custom attacks, new music, and adds a special function against a certain enemy.
The Hope spell now scales to your current HLV, not with your magic stat
A new spell has been added: ATK UP.
This spell is accessible once you reach HLV 4, and increases attack in battle based on your current HLV.
The Mini Boss room has been edited, and can now lead to a new room.
From the new room, you can decide to backtrack to the GuardStrom room, or you can continue the game by going a separate path.
A SAVEpoint has been added into the Mini Boss room.
Text from some signs has been changed.
The sign in the first room was replaced.
The ECHO room now has healing items and a SAVEpoint, but the boss has been removed.
Come 0.3.0, the first segment of Chapter 1 will be finished. THIS IS A SEGMENT, NOT the full Chapter 1.
Come 0.3.0, a new optional section will be added:
The ECHO realm.
This realm will have enhanced versions of MISANTHROPY Legacy Edition's enemies, as well as a final boss.
This area will be VERY CHALLENGING, but REWARDING.
There will be special items, armor, weapons, and a weapon will be gained when the realm is completed that will unlock a spell.
EXP will NOT be able to gained in this realm, meaning you will be stuck at HLV 2 for the entire realm.(If you choose to kill the Forgotten Toy)
Once you enter the realm, there will be no going back until the realm is completed.
SAY HI TO Shroomy
That wraps up all the updates! I hope you all enjoy.
As always...
#undertale #deltarune #misanthropy #thenarcissistshand #indie #rpg #turnbased #horror #psychological