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itty bitty beans
Got a dialogue box, and different poses for the Raccoon setup :3
oh! a Little lost Raccoon, has found himself alone on the Beach
AT LAST! the ending cutscene is done! a whole whopping 1263 Frames!
Happy Raccoon meets Grumpy Owl
Hooray the sewers side quest is now in production, I had to make some events and dialogue leading up to this point, but! that's all done, I'm really looking forward to this section of the game X3
I took a little break from work today doing some Christmas shopping and going out to eat, now I'm back and ready to continue!
this finely dressed fellow Is Felix the scary cupcake shop owner, his devilish desserts are to Die for
Colt looks so cute in this picture, The ending cutscene is very sweet X3
Mmmmm New York Bakery GF Garlic Bread is so Delicious!