Shadow Nights

1 year ago

Mmmmyeah there are icons for the other trophies now! :)

They are made by @Villca_Toons go follow him GRAAAHHH ! !



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Official Poster

Would you believe me if i said i am on a shirt ! !

Screenshot from the pro @Omarion_YT4Realz

little fact: the characters model are referred as the ''Fantasy'' characters, to differenciate the character name from the owner

i just wanted to point that out

This is the last time i'm going to say this.

Thank for 400 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't know what's coming

ohhh fuck i missed the demo's birthday by 2 days

uhhh pepsi

Shoutout to my friend who used to bring these to school everyday last year

And stop looking at me with them BIG OL' EYES!

It's crazy to think i was once some guy with 12 followers