10 months ago

Mom I think something's wrong with the weasel

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Has anyone tried doing a fanmade recode of the jolly 4 office demo by making it more balance and adding some custom night challenges. Most of the assets are their and having a somewhat complete jolly 4 custom night like sister location would be awsome.

As of this moment right now they are playing Jolly Roger Bay in the freaking school office!

How the hell do I deal with this fucker! I have been trying to beat old school for a long time on fntr but every time I play the tape 6 times I die. Is their anyway to make him go back or something so I can play the tape more?


A guide on how to place Charged Stickers and get POPGOES stickers on Game Jolt!

I go to school and walk to my first period class AND I FIND THIS!


@Kane will the gameplay of the post night sections be similar to fnac 3. What I mean is like how fnac 3 has you looking around a big environment while looking for rat and then looking at him to scare him off. Because that's the vibe I'm getting from this.

Meet Freddy my newborn Yoshi & Partner. When I first thought of naming my Yoshi after Mr.Fazbear him self would be funny. But if I got be honest he kind of looks like that type of yoshi that would be named freddy. Manily because of how he talks and acts.

Rat Race Production Update