Those Nights at Tubbyworld Entertainment
4 years ago

Monday, December 14, 2020 progress update

Alright. So I'm gonna keep this rather short. I just wanna say. Progress is going amazing. I am astonished at how well everything is going. Everything is going just as I had hoped.

I'm done with many of the main aspects of the game. The game just needs some more polishing and testing. And I think that the choice to hire beta testers was a very good one, as it's helping me locate a bunch of bugs that I wouldn't find normally. So thank you to all my beta testers that are helping the production of the game.

Also, in this progress report, I will reveal that in the full game, there are going to be FNaF 2 style pixel minigames that you have a chance to get when you die. These minigames will reveal short snippets of story. I won't shed anymore light on these minigames, but I wanted to tell you all that they are coming.

Along with these, there will be a few other easter eggs. Some related to the story, some not.

Anyways, that wraps up another short progress report. I may have time to make another one before the full games release, but who knows? Maybe I'll get super lucky and finish the full game before next week. I hope so. Anyways, have a nice day, and I hope you like the full game when it comes out.



Next up

... I wonder who won. XD I'll be giving that to you guys either today or tommarrow, so stay tuned. =D


He lurks in the darkness...


ha ha comedy


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Custom night is done... it's only a matter of time...

Roberts Robotics is officially out... please enjoy... =)

Rat Race Production Update

shit ;-;

I'll figure something out. =D