2 years ago

Monophanes and his victims, soul @Emotivechart, @therealglosetik , and @JaydynplattYT/@gamelli

The closest thing to lore that I could give you is that fact that I killed my freinds in the order they were befriended in the first place with

  1. @Emotivechart being first

  2. @therealglosetik being second

  3. @JaydynplattYT being third

  4. and @gamelli being last.



Next up

Modernized Durable (now named Endurance) and made a new ref sheet.

Found this old-ass OC ref I never used in my files.

Here’s a rushed and messy review of Mr. Crocket lmao


Monofied Havik

other three fakemons, maybe the last ones for some time,

I didn’t draw anything for Thanksgiving


Finally going to redesign Durable, also gonna change his name to Endurance. Still a pretty stupid name but less so than before.