4 months ago

#Monster God/Chuck Shurley from supernatural (2005), Amatsu-Mikabos/The Chaos king and the one below all/Inapplicable from marvel comic

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God/Chuck Shurley (supernatural [2005])

God/Chuck Shurley is former omnimalevolent supreme beings because he said "In the beginning, it was just me and sis. And it was fine. But I wasn't satisfied. So I made more. I created the world. But I didn't stop there. No, no, no! I got the bug. So I -- I kept creating. I made... other worlds. Different combinations, scenarios, characters. Different versions of the same characters. You know my -- 'my other toys." However he was creator of multiverse and embodiment of light however he was formerly to omnimalevolent supreme beings now he was primordial beings all of his supreme power are already formerly he have all God powers but Jack Kline (as the new God) Absorb all of his God powers he was mortalized by Jack when jack absorbed all his god power, forcing him to live the rest of his life as a weak and defenseless mortal

The One Below AllI/napplicable (Marvel Comics)

The one below all/Inapplicable is the dark alter-ego of The One Above All and ultimate personification of destruction and hate however it is anti-God because they said "I howl through many mouths. I break with many hands. They are themselves, but they are also me. I have all the power you give me and my weapon is hate"

Amatsu-Mikaboshi/The Chaos king (marvel comics)

Amatsu-Mikaboshi/The Chaos king is primordial God of destruction and Chaos who they destroy the universe and they killing everybody and everyone they being a sadistic who killing them



Next up

I don't finish this quest right now

Happy spawn day to this dude @Bisctard

I can remember one of best Video Game developer called @DVloper he's the creator of slendrina series and granny series he was named Dennis Vukanovic

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to gamejolt.com and accept the quest to get started.

Five nights at candy's movies be like:

We have a question and we wanna know: What's your favorite video game movie? Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

Fnac news, emil uploaded video and watch video now


As of January 2025, @TheGameSalmon posted in youtube, he said his pet was passed away on Jan 29 2025 his pet named Sophie but it's rest in peace to her

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

Me enjoy watching all of best youtuber's video: