The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
5 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #20 - The End

Greetings and Salutations Everyone!

It's been a good couple weeks since the game has released, which only a few known bugs that have been fixed, and after seeing someone on youtube play through the game, I'm happy to see that the game is completely functional and possible to be beaten, which makes me really happy.

Development on this Remake started well over 2 years ago, and back then, I was only really thinking about updating the visuals, and maybe changing around a few mechanics here and there. Well after 2 years, that obviously changed. I thought about the story, changed that, thought about the storytelling, changed that, and thought about the final hour, and completely changed that. I'm happy with how everything turned out, and I really have to thank all of the wonderful people who helped me make this game a reality.

There were a lot of ups and downs, and periods of time where I didn't think I would ever finish development, but after a few firm slaps that I gave myself, I pushed through this monster of a game and finished everything I wanted to make, and even practiced my hand in writing an actual story, which had mixed results. All in all, these 2 years of development helped me grow not only as a developer, but as a person as well, since I got to interact and meet tons of new people that I never thought I would ever have the chance to talk to!

So after ~4 years, this series is at it's end. Starting with FNATI 2: Before Disney, then FNATI: Disney Land, then to TSS: Disney Land, and then to TSS: Memory Maze, and ending on TSS: Treasure Island, everything came full circle and ended in just the way i would want them to. I'm so glad that all of you were so patient with me throughout all of this. I couldn't ask for better fans than you all.

Now does this mean I'm done with Game Development? Absolutely not!

Ever since I started work on Treasure Island, I have been getting ideas left and right, coming up with new concepts every day, and I wouldn't want to waste all of those ideas by just not doing anything with them! In fact, ever since the New Year started, I've been hard at work on my first ever original project of mine. If you guys still wanna follow me into my newer games, then keep an eye out for any new info that may or may not come out of me in the coming weeks...

But of course, as always, and one more time for this era of FNAF Fangames of mine,

Until Next Time,

  • Josh

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