You may be flabbergasted to hear this, but until a few weeks ago I never played Kingdom Hearts before in my life. Now that I’ve obtained the Platinum trophy for 1.5 Final Mix and am currently playing 2.5 Final Mix, it has dawned on me about how Shadow The F***ing Hedgehog sucks. The game isn’t dropping on June 16th, mainly because of how much more I can do now that I’ve experienced Kingdom Hearts (and because it’s not finished). This game should not be taking this long to develop, but when you’re in college and playing a bunch of games instead of making them this tends to happen. When will it come out? Nobody knows.
But until then, check a look.

Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry.
I thought adding summons would be useful and break up the monotony of the fights you will have for hours on end. You obtain the summoning key from Black Doom to perform rituals for the black arms, but you can also kidnap the souls of certain bosses and use them as (once per battle) summons.