4 months ago

more bgapoc art!



Next up

photo edited w my phone while waitin for smth

phone crashed like 10 times for this 😭

new bga refssss : 3 gonna work on more soon

[ @charliesocool , @crunchyfreeze , @jasperwashere ]

bozo gang canon event

its gotta be luigi

catch me and the gang on death penalty [ @panned , @EpicBanana212 , @mykkode, @mac_n_cheeseiscool ]

college funds were spent on a professional drawing tablet, it just came in the mail yesterday and let me tell you it kicks so much ass

new draw your oc over this challenge just dropped

bga batch thhhrrreeeeeee

[ @TerKeno , polar, @CaelumKidd , @Areion ]