I have a little bit posted about my current project on my profile and will continue to add updates when I can. Sadly, I don't have much added to this page in specific about it--which is a bummer seeing as my newest project takes some cues from where I wanted to go with STW2.
Super Time Waster was originally made because I didn't know anything about game design and knew nothing about programming. I slapped an asteroids style movement onto a blank canvas, noticed it was fun to use, but didn't work around it to create a game at all. Super Time Waster 2 was my attempt at adding a different control scheme, and not much else. So I returned to the project about a year ago, had a ton of ideas that I couldn't work with, and burnt myself out.
I'm rekindling that spark with my current project while adding elements to it that actually make it a game. I've toyed around with the same asteroids style movement found here for a while because I generally like it, it has a nice ebb-and-flow that can be as peaceful or chaotic as you need it to be. I've also toyed around with recreating a pen-and-paper game I made as a kid. The latter was one of my first ideas when I started working with Gamemaker but my (still, current) lack of experience led to me dropping the project. My original idea was more akin to a classic strategy game, where you navigate an interface with a mouse and then click on a point where an object follows and interactions can be had through there. While trying to get back on working on a STW2 re-do, I had a bit of a breakthrough. See, that classic strategy interface is only something I wanted to do out of necessity, because "this is how turned-based games are supposed to work." Then I realized that I could forgo that altogether by segmenting the asteroids movement style into chunks that can be defined as a turn. The way I have things now is something around these lines: it takes one part of your turn to adjust the angle of your ship, one part to move forwards and backward, and one part to interact with a system that I'm going to keep close to my chest for now until I have more to say about it. Rest assured: it adds an extra layer to the movement scheme while having the adage of working well in a competitive environment, which is what I'm aiming for.
What I can say for now is that this is still very early into development. Right now, I'm fleshing out certain ideas in a design document and testing out certain features. What I'm focused on at the moment is building an interface that I can use as a testing environment. Things are going a little slow, but I'm keeping my ambition on a leash for this one so I'm expecting to actually do something with one of my ideas for once.
Stay tuned.