You met Jinx's father (Victor Viabeck) so here is her mother Ellenor Dalton (before she met Victor in her 30's...she is 20 in this photo)
Yes Ellenor was a playbunny waitress and still is after she had Jinx
You met Jinx's father (Victor Viabeck) so here is her mother Ellenor Dalton (before she met Victor in her 30's...she is 20 in this photo)
Yes Ellenor was a playbunny waitress and still is after she had Jinx
Well...looks like I have four versions of Zippy is upgraded Zippy
(Thank you so much @Arunight for the help on her head)
Thank you @Arunight for the gift
Thank you so much @BlackFox6409 for the chibbi Zippy
Random challenge...what do you notice about the photo?
Just Markiplier eating a mic...noting special
@FunnyFrendo34 thanks for the idea...what will it be darlings?
Better stock up on glitter glue...