MUGEN: Heroes Collide
7 years ago

More news

Mugen had a long run, but something’s have to stop. So sadly I have to announce that 3.0 will be the final update. Reason why, I have other planned games I have to work on. There will be free DLC from time to time, and patches. But as of now, the game will be on a drought (until I get a better computer to upload 2.0 characters.)



Next up

Don't mind me, just hyping you guys up with my questionable photoshop skills. Still don't have an actual date in mind, but right now, I'm going to say really really late 2020 to early 2021

3.0 Character 4

3.0 Character 1

3.0 Character 2

Wot (Part 3)

3.0 Character 5

3.0 Character 3

Wot (Part 2)

The picture of Crazy that some how didn't upload to the other one.

Yeah... this'll take a while