Hey everyone! Time for another update from Clever Endeavour Games, with our progress on Ultimate Chicken Horse. March was, of course, a busy month due to launch and we had some crazy crunch-time right before launch. We learned a lot of things from launching our first game together, and we think that so far it’s going pretty well.
State of the game
So where’s the game at?

As you might know, we launched the game with the online mode in Beta, in a branch on Steam called (quite intuitively) “onlinebeta”. When the game launched, the online had a ton of bugs and was only playable with port forwarding (something complicated that you don’t have to worry about anymore, yay!). Now, with a new update that went out last night, we managed to reach a level of playability that feels like it’s getting close to what we’ve been aiming for.

Of course there are still some bugs, and we’re continuing to add things to make for a more intuitive and fluid experience, but generally, you can now:
Join your friends’ games online
Host a game yourself, without the need for port forwarding (manual modem setup that can be complicated)
Find random games online via our server lists
Play through full games and come back to the menu without the game exploding, usually
For a full list of the known issues, we’ve pinned a post to a thread on the discussion board on Steam.
Going to PAX
We’re going to PAX East as part of the Indie MEGABOOTH! Super exciting stuff. We were in the MEGABOOTH at PAX Prime in Seattle, and this time it will be a trip down to Boston to show off the game in front of over 70,000 people. Well, we’re not sure that all of them will come to our booth, but here’s hoping.

The greatest thing about PAX is being able to meet with actual customers and fans (or potential fans), and meeting with YouTubers and streamers that can help us get the word out about the game. Beyond that, meeting with press is another great perk of being at PAX and being in the MEGABOOTH means that press will almost surely stop by our booth. Looking forward to another great show!
Console plans
A lot of people have been asking about when / if we’re coming to consoles. The answer is that we’d like to, and will start working on that once the Steam version is at the point where we want it to be. First things first, we need to get rid of any bugs in the game both online and offline. Next is going to be adding some more content to the game, and then we hope to add another game mode which we can’t talk too much about yet, and console is right after that. We’re only a team of 3 people, so it’s not going to be done in a week, but we’re working as fast as possible.

Ideally we would come out on PS4, XboxOne and WiiU, but all of that will depend on time and money (as most things do, unfortunately).
Game Hype
The game’s been getting some pretty good attention recently. Actually, since launch we’ve had over 5M new YouTube views… that is, people watching other people play Ultimate Chicken Horse on YouTube. That, of course, doesn’t include people who watched Twitch streams. Pretty awesome stuff, and we’ve got some big names who have been playing the game. A few notable ones are Smosh, Dodger, the folks from Polaris, SeaNanners, ZeRoyalViking, Stumpt, RitzPlays, GassyMexican, TheCreatureHub, RoosterTeeth, and the folks from GiantBomb, GameSpot and IGN. In case you don’t watch YouTubers, take our word that they’re pretty big influencers and we’re super, super happy that they played (and enjoyed) the game.

So that’s about it for this update, we’re going to try to put out updates regularly on the third Thursday of each month but we can’t promise that the schedule will stay the same as we continue on in production. Thanks again to everyone for all of the support, we love you eternally and thank you for spreading the word about our Ultimate Chicken Horse baby.
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