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2024 falls below the horizon, and we say goodbye to one wild year. Let's welcome the new year and try to make it the best we can! Happy New Year, and welcome 2025!
I've got some more words to say in the article below, I'd love if ya read 'em! ↓↓↓
fwench fwy what are you doing with those jellybeans
read the article below for an update i'm sure i'll be fine ↓↓↓
The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!
Maybe some haven't caught on,
Five Shows at Wario's: Director's Cut is coming to mobile devices, eventually!
For now, however, you are not allowed to enter the Theatre.
No, it's not cancelled, don't listen to Iscream...
Here, let me update you on Night at Nuggit's progress! Go on, read the article! ↓↓↓
(Things may be subject to change.)
Finally, an update on Deer Diary, my planned original game featuring Buckley!
Here's a peek at the game's main art, as well as an updated design and new reference sheet for Buckley! There's some more in the article below, so read down there. ↓↓↓