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Chapter 1 Alpha 2 Soon! A new chapter 1 update that is practically re-doing most of it is coming soon!
Should We Up the Chapter 2 Graphics?
Happy New Year!
A Fan Creation
Merry Christmas!
Physica-E in VR! This link here [ ] will bring you to a 360 video showing off the two main rooms that the game takes place in. Use your phone and turn on cardboard view to use with a VR headset. Enjoy!
Official Physica E YouTube! Click here [… ] to visit the YouTube channel. The channel will show content like the osts, first looks, and more!
Whoopsy OK IF YOU COULDN’T TELL, that was an April Fools joke. I have a tendency to cancel games and make FNaF clones. A real free demo was just released to get you hyped for the full game. 8 months and 23 days left!
New Model. Use it?
Nightmat's Puzzle